Sunday, September 16, 2012

What I Should Have Been Doing

Instead of painting the house, I should have been working on the poor truck. Still need to replace the fuel tank and put and exhaust on it. Passing inspection would be nice, also.
It will continue to do odd jobs until the tank is ordered and arrives - then it goes into the garage for a period of rehab. Still love the ugly old truck!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Getting High

I'm pretty comfortable at any height 14' and under. I have no problem on the little ladders. It's when the ladder goes thirty feet that I get all twitchy and nervous.
The peak of the garage is about 25'. Even with the ladder extended all the way up into that triangle over the arched window, painting that trim requires leaning backward away from the siding to reach over your head. I did the garage first so that I could get used to the terror. The peak at the back of the house is about six feet higher, with less options for placing the ladder. That was quite scary.

See? Scary. (But I managed to get a shot or two, so it must not have been that bad...)

My initial estimates had the job of painting all of the trim on the house at about sixteen hours of labor. Actual time ended up being 37 hours of labor. At least everything is now a crisp, bright white instead of the yellowish off-white that is was before. Next step: convince Cari to let me change the doors from red to gray.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Working Car

I needed to borrow a ladder so that I could reach the top of the house (painting trim).
Yes, I know that I have a truck that is perfectly capable of hauling a ladder, but the Prizm already had the carseat installed - and it has a radio, air conditioning, and is street-legal. It wins this time.
Behold the new-generation of 'work truck'!