Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Pinguis Vir Cursor - sounds pretty impressive in Latin, doesn't it? Much better than Fat Man Running, which is what it translates into in our native tongue. (If you trust the online language translator....for all I know, it could translate into "Dances with Dog Poo"...) 'Fat Man Running' is the title that flew out of my wife's mouth when I asked for help naming a blog about my resuming running/exercising. Not a moment of hesitation (or thought, even) - she just threw it right out there! I guess I really need to start exercising....

If you do a quick Google search on Fat Man Running, it returns several blogs of, what else?; fat men running. One of those fellas is really fat (or was - I'm not going to read his whole story. It's not about that fat ass, it's about my fat ass!) It looks like they give regular updates on their workouts and physical progress. This blog started out like that: with daily entries noting the exercises I've managed to complete that day (Monday: two sets of 12-ounce curls!) and what my weigh-in was. WHO WANTS TO READ THAT?! Not me. Heck - I didn't even want to write it! So, none of the original posts were posted, and I've turned to a (hopefully) more fun and interesting style. We'll be looking at all kinds of exercise-related topics. Anything that I think will make for an interesting post and will keep me looking for new ways to get up and moving is fair game. There might be updates tracking any weight loss or special milestones that I reach (and I expect hearty rounds of applause and loud cheerleading if I do reach any milestones!)

Let's begin the journey....

1 comment:

  1. Dammit! I've been putting off the excercise and putting on the pounds. And I was happy. Now you start up this blog and I find it and I feel like I should do something. Where are my shoes...hell, where are my feet?! I'm sure they're down there somewhere.
    So thanks for the motivation. And damn you for the motivation!
