Saturday, May 8, 2010

(Less) Fat Man

It's only been forever since I've visited this blog - a few things have happened since the last post (which was about dessert, right?!):

1.) We bought a treadmill. Yup. Way back in December, we ponied up and got a shiny, bells-and-whistles, expensive torture machine.

2.) I've managed to drag myself through the painful and depressing stages of starting a workout pattern and maintaining said pattern.

(2.5) While working through the stages of walking, and then jogging, and finally running, I managed to quit (cold-turkey) smoking. From a pack a day minimum for seven years to totally not wanting/needing nicotine. (There are some very disgusting and nasty stories that I could tell about the withdrawal process, but not now!)

3.) I've lost weight. My memory isn't real clear on what I weighed at the beginning of this year, but I'm pretty sure it was around 233 lbs. Current weight: 210 lbs. Way to go, me!

4.) I've regained my love of running. I used to run - a long, long time ago. Now I run once again. I don't run fast or for long (only up to three or four miles at nine or ten minutes per mile pace), but I do run. Regularly. Happily.

5.) Pushups, situps, even some pullups - exercise is good. Not anywhere near the badass-good-looking goal that was talked about in an earlier post, but definitely on the road and feeling great about exercising.

So that does it for an update. May post more later - like a photo of my home made pullup bar - or something, but for now.........gotta run!

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