Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pop Quiz

Okay, class: Who knows what this is?


  1. That is a barely used 26" roadie slick mounted on a really dusty mountain bike wheel.

  2. Partial credit...Brand new "commuter" slick mounted on a really muddy rim. But, you know why?

  3. I'm going to guess that it is to roll smoothly and track correctly on a brand new roller system that will allow you to train for the Race to the Top while suffering through super cold weather?

  4. Yup - mainly to keep the noise down while running on the shiny new CycleOps Fluid 2 that's sitting next to the treadmill. Gotta train - big hill coming up next August.

  5. Spin fast in a lower gear to increase your lungs, then spin fast in a higher gear to increase your legs. Repeat until you are crying, then do it all over again.
    I am both looking forward to and dreading that big hill!
