Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lock the Doors? You Must Be Kidding...

I never lock the doors on the truck. Not because we live in an idyllic neighborhood with no crime, but because the lock cylinders won't turn. I'm not even sure I have the correct key. So, the doors never get locked, and I will never be able to say that I got locked out of this truck. Great, right? It's great unless you find yourself wanting to go some place like work or a store where you don't want to carry all of your possessions inside with you. If your vehicle doesn't lock, you kind of have to carry everything with you or risk theft (the easy kind, where the thief doesn't even have to work at it by smashing a window).

I think I've come up with a good solution. I found a small gun safe on sale at Tractor Supply and bolted that thing under the seat (and through the floorboards of the truck). Cover it with a old rag, and you'd never know it was there.

Covered up.

Ready for code entry.
Now, I've got a fairly safe place to store a phone, some cash, or anything else I need to secure.

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