Monday, October 8, 2012

Let There Be Light

Old. There, I said it: I'm getting older. It's harder to get up off a cold concrete floor, tools get louder and heavier, and be darned if I can't see in normal light. I've spent too long trying to work at the bench with just two sixty-watt lightbulbs illuminating the entire garage. My plan was to buy a shop light or two and solve the problem of not having enough light. The problem with that is that I'm cheap. Twenty-five bucks at the home center for a shop light made me uneasy. That's a lot of money to spend on an "un-neccesary" shop accessory. There's always something that's more important to save that money for. Until....
I 'found' a shop light fixture down in the basement. I kinda knew it's been there since we bought the house - there's two lights down there in the part of the basement that is rarely used. One day, I was looking around for something (old paint, I think) and noticed a perfectly good flourescent light fixture above my head. All it needed was new bulbs.
Levi took the photo 'cause I was taking the light down.

Just under five dollars for two new bulbs, a little rope from the shop, and some ladder time equals one terrific new shop light. Now, I can see!

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