Friday, January 11, 2013

Abusing the Prizm

That poor old car will haul just about anything. You've seen the picture of the extension ladder tied on top. There've been feed bags stacked inside, and once, I carried home an old metal gaylord that was so heavy it required the help of one of the forklifts at work to put the box up on the roof. There was the pair of 4' x 4' steel plates that I snaked behind the front seats to carry home (3/16" thick and very heavy!) Today it was the plywood strips to make the sideboards for our hockey rink. The back seat and trunk are stuffed full of plywood pieces, too.
Almost hate to see the truck get on the road, because then I won't have to challenge the car to haul anymore. Almost......

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking up the hotline to report car abuse. At least you haven't run it into the garage door - lately, again. No doubt you will be contacted by the Society for Preserving Prizms, but not until the snow melts in VT.
