Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year

Finally, the holiday season is over. While enjoyable, what with family and food and lights and stuff, the time between Thanksgiving and New Year's is so busy that there ended up being no time for the truck.
There was a little bit of free time today: I got the bills paid, the chores mostly done, and spent my time constructing LEGO trucks, building pirate ships, and playing board games. Little Man jetted off to hot tub with some friends (nice little playboy life he lives, huh?), and I had time to work in the garage....
It still looks like this outside:

It's 17 degrees with a slight breeze blowing - not warm enough to be working on the axles or anything big and metal and cold. I did manage to complete and cross off two of the items on the checklist. They were minor things, but still: it's progress.
The propane heater helps a little - mainly in thawing my hands after working with ice-cold tools.

Hurry up, Spring time!

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